Monday, April 19, 2010

The Beginnings of SUPERMOM

This is not a given title.   It is a self proclamation.  It was not awarded to me in any way, shape or form.   It is simply what is occasionally heard to be bellowed from our home as I run from one end of the house to the other….multitasking between my children’s emergencies and cries…no, screams, for help.  It is a title that I gave myself.  It embodies the fact that although appearing to be an all out superhero to my children, I do not particularly enjoy some of my duties….but I put on my MOM suit (often covered in spit-up and boogers) and I persevere.
Yes.  I do admit it.  I am not often fond of my duties.  It is a cardinal sin of the stay at home mom.  To actually say aloud that I am not fond of the smells that emanate from my children.  Cleaning up barf at two o’clock in the morning makes me feel sick myself!  However, my children see MOM (a.k.a. SUPERMOM), a calming force that smiles as she strips their clothes, bedclothes, loved animals and blankets, covered in watered down juice and peanut butter all the while whispering sweet nothings to soothe their tired minds.  I lovingly add those soiled items to the mountain of laundry that now cannot wait until tomorrow.  There is just no need for them to hear my sighs!
I am the mother of four.  I have a two, a four, and a six year old plus an infant.  I am up to my eyeballs in laundry, dishes, popsicle wrappers, and bubbles.   Our floor is always dirty and my kids are rarely clean.  But I relish this time, usually after I have had a minute to myself to go for a drive for a cup of coffee while my husband maintains our chaos.  I am often met with questions about how I do it.  I can honestly say that I am not sure why people ask.  But I thought you might enjoy a bit of insight to my world.  The world of a mom knee deep in the toddler years!  
As an aside, I didn’t finish this book until shortly after my infant turned two!  I said SuperMom, not GOD!  We certainly had an interesting turn of events while this book was put on hold.  My previously mentioned 4 year old turned 5, and was shortly thereafter diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes and Celiac’s disease.  We have learned so much about ourselves, our family, our friends, and the kindness of strangers.  It has been a difficult heart wrenching and warming roller coaster of 2009.  The tumultuous year ended with me in the hospital for two weeks.  I spent 5 days in the ICU trying to just stay awake long enough to tell everyone that I just wanted to get home to my kids!  Needless to say, I survived.  My son IS surviving, although we pray everyday for a cure.  My eldest is an amazing eight year old who is the sweetest most sensitive young gentleman you’d ever meet.  My youngest is a spitfire that will take any of you on!  Lastly, my beautiful “rella” (as the baby would say) is a sensitive soul who fights for attention with her ear piercing stories and wonderfully elaborate make-believes.  
And so, I sling on my cape and pull up my Spanx... Mommy-hood goes on and so do I.  

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